Join the Aces Community for the Top 100 VCs.
Only $300/month, cancel anytime
Monthly Dinners
Each weekly schedule consists of video learning activities. Your child will learn about basic principles of astronomy, physics, earth science, and more.
Small Group Calls
Facilitated small group calls allow members to delve into specific topics, share challenges, and exchange insights, ensuring personalized attention and meaningful engagement within the community.
Yearly Trip
Each weekly schedule consists of video learning activities. Your child will learn about basic principles of astronomy, physics, earth science, and more.
Develop life-long friendships.
Each Aces dinner is a chance at building the kind of long-term friendships that make venture so special. Join our community today to experience the magic of this.
Engage in a small group monthly together
Our small group calls allow true relationships to form and develop that lead to intimate relationships between all.